Customize your Longboard Blank Deck - Let your Imagination Fly

Customize your Longboard Blank Deck - Let your Imagination Fly

When it comes to buying a Longboard, sometimes it's difficult to decide between all the designs and artwork available, but it doesn't always have to be that way, here's a better option, a blank deck. A longboard can show your style and personality, therefore when choosing a board, go for a blank deck so you can customize it the way you want!

Finding the best design that suits you isn't always easy. You have plenty of options in different sizes, styles, and colors, but if you want to make it really yours, just buy a blank board! Lately, Blanks Longboards have become trendy in the skateboarding world, the main reason is that they give you the possibility of customization as many times as you want. You will notice that most professional skateboarders choose the best blank decks, modify them according to their taste and give them their personal touch.

The best blank longboard decks give you the opportunity to be creative, and instead of having a drawing already on it, you can make your own design! Whether it's with spray paint, regular paint, or even markers, you have plenty of options to make anything that comes to your mind. Let your imagination fly! These blank longboards have an empty canvas to allow for custom graphics.

You can think of any design idea, and if you are not so creative, there are stickers available with different images, phrases, and logos with which you can also decorate your longboard. You can make the best blank longboard decks special and as unique as you are. Sometimes you can also buy the deck with just a logo, but the board is still blank, and you can also decorate it the way you want and when you want.

A blank deck


Blank longboard decks are available in different shapes, sizes, materials, and thicknesses. You can get a blank longboard in sizes from 26 inches to 46 inches. Think about pintails, kicktails, drop-through, mini longboards, dropdowns.

The most common blank longboard decks are made of excellent quality hard rock maple but some of these sizes and shapes are also available in both maple and bamboo or even mixed. One thing to keep in mind is that blank longboards made of bamboo are more flexible than the maple version.

Another reason to get these decks, beyond customization, is the price. Money is usually important when making these types of decisions, but when buying something blank rather than designed, the price is usually cheaper. This cheaper price ends up being advantageous not only for people who are interested in saving money on their purchase but also for people who would like to make their own designs because then they have the extra money left over to buy the materials they need for that.

Now you know that exists the possibility to create your design and be original with your longboard, don't forget to take a look at the blank decks and choose yours before they run out. Remember that as well as you can customize the deck, you can also combine that design with different wheels and accessories that we also have available on our website. Don't wait any longer, and turn your longboard into your own artwork!


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