Sector 9 Skateboards

Sector 9 creates the highest quality Skateboard Decks, Completes, Wheels, Trucks, tools & accessories for skateboarding.
The story of the 9 Ball starts in a La Jolla backyard in 1993. Our house consisted of a bunch of good friends, a pool table, mini-ramp, ping-pong table, and shaping room all across the street from some nice smooth hills down to the local reefs.
As you can imagine, since the house had all of these fine features, it became quite the hangout spot. At the time, we had a friend from Hawaii who used to always razz people by calling them "Nineballs." One day he called to see what was going on at the house, but we were all out "studying," so he had to leave a message on our answering machine and asked, "What’s going on over there at Sector 9?", which to all of us meant a house full of "Nineballs."
Their motto is Smash IT. At some point in time, we've all had, that overwhelming urge to SMASH IT, whatever "IT" may be. The feeling comes from deep within, and it’s aggressively raw. At Sector 9, we are embracing the feeling of flying down a hill, hitting the pool coping, or slashing a driveway bank, and incorporating that feeling into our daily mantra. We aren’t going to stop there either. SMASH IT is also about bringing awareness to things beyond just skateboarding, like the fight against cancer, environmental responsibility, and community engagement. We believe that SMASH IT is just as much about helping those around you, as it is about bettering yourself. It's time to get motivated. It’s time to SMASH IT!