Longboard Stickers

Want some Longboard stickers?
Yes, you can get those awesome stickers, so you can jazz up your longboard or skateboard!
We have our own logo Longboards USA on a sticker and you can get these for free.(* when they are available in stock)
In order to keep them free for everyone, here is what you can do to get them.
Send us a SASE (Self -Addressed Stamped Envelope)
That means write your name and address on an envelope, addressed to yourself. Put a stamp on it. Then put that inside another envelope, which you address to us.
Our address:Longboards USA
ATTN: Sticker Team
988 Governors Bay Drive
Redwood City, CA 94065
This is how you do it:
- This is what we put your stickers in, so if it isn't stamped, you won't get it back
- You need two envelopes. Write the first envelope with our address on it and your own address in the upper left corner. Put a stamp on it.
- Write a second envelope, addressed to you and our address in the upper left corner. Put a stamp on it and don't seal it.
- Put the second envelope inside the first envelope and seal it. Then mail it to us. Wait patiently for your stickers.
- Enjoy and decorate your longboard or skateboard when you receive your awesome adhesive stickers!
*USA Only - We cannot accept international pre-paid postage.