Longboard Quotes
Motivational quotes and some fun longboard skateboard quotes.
Some quotes are our own based on daily conversations and input from customers- others we stumbled upon on the internet - enjoy!
Some quotes are our own based on daily conversations and input from customers- others we stumbled upon on the internet - enjoy!

"I have many ripped clothes from longboarding"

"There is only one way to get better, and it's not going to happen on the internet"

"Dogs always chase after me when I'm on my Longboard"

"Having your board go down the sewer is one of the worst feelings ever"

"Where is the longboard emoji? o[-<]:"

"Every longboarder whishes they lived in California"

"NO skateboarding sigs means nothing. I'm on longboard"

"Its not the bearings that makes the rider fast, its whats in the riders heart that gives him speed"

"Longboarding is better for the earth because the only gas it uses comes from the rider"

"The longboard. One of the finest marvels you could ever own in your life"

"If you are not longboarding for fun, then what are you boarding for?"

"Live Love Longboard"